
Brief note on the history of the city.

The oldest remains of Vigo that are preserved data from the Stone Age and are preserved in the Quiñones de León Museum.

Funeral buildings or burial mounds are preserved from the Neolithic. From the II and II centuries before Christ, designs are preserved in rocks or Petroglyphs mostly of weapons and animals of the time. From the age of Hierro until the 1st century after Christ, many Castros or houses of the ancient inhabitants are preserved and rebuilt either on the slope of the Castro de Vigo park or on the Vao beach.

Castros at the Sea Museum





From the Romanesque churches such as Santiago de Vigo, Santiago de Bembibre or Santa Maria de Castrelos are preserved. The bridges of Sardoma and Fragoso are of medieval times.

Despite the incursions into the city and theft of pirates such as Sir Frances Drake and other pirates from Turkey, the city continues to grow and prosper.

In the eighteenth century the battle of Rande occurs during the war of Spanish Succession. Of which it is said according to legend that numerous treasures were submerged under the Vigo estuary.

In 1943 a new historical milestone occurs in the city of Bayonne, a city near Vigo (just 18 km.) And it is that the caravel of Vicente Yañez Pinzón arrives in Bayonne after the discovery of America. What today is commemorated in the "Festival of National Tourist Interest: La Arribada".

On March 8, 1804 the inhabitants of Vigo reconquered the city to the Napoleonic troops, a fact that is celebrated every year at the Fiesta and is represented at the "Fiesta de La Reconquista".

Nowadays, in addition to being able to visit the monuments, parks and beaches of the city, parties such as Christmas have become important because of the spectacular lights that mainly adorn the city center. It also highlights the exhibition of international urban sport "O Marisquiño" held in August. Or various events and concerts held in Castrelos in summer and in IFEVI throughout the year.

In sports, the "Vig Bay" race and the "Triathlon Cies Islands" highlight the sporting character of its citizens.

Currently, the Cies Islands of the Ría de Vigo

are candidates for World Heritage and form a natural paradise that should not be visited. 


Shield of the city of vigo with its iconic olive tree.

>November events<

>It will be updated according to the change of unforeseen dates and new events<

Obradorios infantiles Samaín/Halloween

Vigo +11

Vigo 3/11/19

Arte 'N' Rua

0 Cero Dedectos

Hotel NH Collection Vigo   5/11/2019

David Guapo

8-9/11/19 Auditorio Mar de Vigo


16/11/19 Teatro AFundación


16/11/19 Auditorio Mar de Vigo 

Depedro en concierto


                                             16-17/11/19  IFEVI

XXII Media Maratón

                                              Vigo 17/11/19

Car Outlet

                                   IFEVI 22-23-24/11/19

Film Symphony Orchestra

30/11/2019, 19/30 Auditorio Mar de Vigo

>October events<

>It will be updated according to the change of unforeseen dates and new events<

Boot Camp

                                                               En la playa de Samil 6/10/19

Gaming week

Vigo Symphony Orchestra


Teatro Afundación Vigo 9/10/2019


10/10/2019 Vigo

III Festival de Rock

19/10/2019 IFEVI

Divinas Palabras

Teatro Afundación Vigo 11/10/2019

Lechazo a Feira

Auditorio Mar de Vigo, 12/10/2019

La Strada


Teatro Afundación Vigo 20/10/2019

God Save Queen

Auditorio Mar de Vigo 23/10/2019

Niños y Vigocultura

Film Festival

                                              Cinema at very low prices on days 28-29-30 /10/19

Mahou Fest

solidarity race for multiple sclerosis

September program in Vigo

Show cooking

Unha Noite Na Praia

Teatro A Fundación 6/09/2019

Mi capitán

7/09/19 Auditorio Mar de Vigo


10 al 12 /9/2019 IFEVI

Siete Lunas y Una Rumba

14/09/19 Teatro Salesianos

Vicus Spacorum

14-15 Septiembre. PAU de Navia , Vigo

Raulidad Virtual

14/09/19 Teatro Afundación Vigo 

10km Xornadas m. do Berbés

15/09/19 Berbés, Vigo

Muévete por el Parkinson

22/09/19 Mercado del Calvario, 11/30 h. Vigo



22/09/19 , Vigo


21/09/19 Teatro AFundación Vigo

Adios Arturo

26/09/19 Teatro Afundación Vigo

IV Jornadas Gallegas Dislexia

20-21/09/19  Sede Afundación Vigo