Why Curiosities and different inventions that has caught our attention! Finding security errors at NASA Paris 2024 Curiosities and anecdotes Vigo-Madrid flight mysteriously crashed. First tennis First tennis courts What was hidden in the basement of a Pontevedrés hotel A locked woman The Héroes of Ríos Strange landslides in the city New Year's Eve party 2023 Tunnels of Vigo Numbers that repeats...coincidences or something more? How Julio Verne or Einstein arrived in Vigo? A friendly dinosaur warns us of our own extinction if we don't stop global warming. Looking straight ahead and without heels! Curiosities of the Vigo wheel Learning from smallpox Vitamin increase due to Covid19? Many people are requesting more vitamin supplements Types of masks and recommendations of WHO and CGCOM New Smartphones Of the galician olive Lamprey: The sea vampire Furanchos About seafood In a sea…of plastic New voices are coming at our lives Printers that revolutionize our foundations! Since 2018 a car travels through space