By land

Land Route:

_This city has two train stations:

_Nearby trains:

Vigo-Guixar Station c / Areal, s / n – GUIXAR – 36201 – Vigo Tel: 902 320 320

_High speed trains

Vigo-Urzaiz Station Station Square n: 1 Vigo 3620- Pontevedra Information: 902 432 343

Bus station:

Bus station : Plaza de la Estación 1, Vigo, Pontevedra

986 44 37 26


In the present, january of 2022 the Vialia Center has the train enter:

In the 221 year the upper part of the train station is under construction, building what will be the new Vialia Shopping Center that connects with more than 100 shops on two floors, as well as leisure areas, concerts, cafes and restaurants.

Furthermore, the new center will have numerous parking spaces and direct access to the new bus station.

It is expected to be as high as that of Vía Norte street, a street next to it and with an entrance from it to the shopping center, which will make this center a place of passage for many travelers and locals who come to enjoy its facilities and shops.




Routes by car: