3 a 5/11/2023, Bouzas, Vigo
LA 21
5/11/2023 Vigo
Candelight concerts
10,11 y 24/11/2023 Pazo of Escudos, Vigo
Club Faro Talk
10/11/2023, 20 h. Marco, Vigo
C.I.M. Open day and visit to the Vigo estuary
11 y 17/11/2023 Port of Vigo upon registration
Magosto: Festival of Tourist Interest
11/11/2023 Magostos en Orense y toda Galicia
Flipar: Festival Galicia Ilusiona: Jorge Blass
11 y 12/11/2023 , 18 y 22 h. Afundación Theater Vigo, Vigo
Turning on christmas lights of Vigo
18/11/2023 Vigo
18/11/2023 Auditorio Mar de Vigo, Vigo
17 a 19/11/2023 IFEVI, Vigo
Second hand market
25/11/2023 Vigo
Dire Straits' greatest hits
25 /11/2023, 20:30h. Afundación Theater Vigo. Vigo
2º Maritime Trends Summit
29 y 30/11/2023 Auditorio Mar de Vigo, Vigo