The celebrations of the reconquest of Vigo recall and celebrate the reconquest of the city by the Napoleonic army, being the first Spanish city to do so. It happened on March 28, 1809 and for 25 years this festival has been celebrated. The first assault of the Reconquista began at the Gamboa Gate and the festival also recreates other doors of the city wall: Berbés, Rúa Pracer and Falperra.
This 25th anniversary the Fiesta de la Reconquista will have several novelties:
_ Installation of a giant screen in the Porta do Sol in which the theatrical representation of the expulsion of the French from Vigo will be retransmitted.
_ Treixadura and Kv2211 concerts.
_ Violet spot on the real street next to Plaza de Berbes, a safe space for women.
_Finally highlight the extension of the festival of the Reconquest to a week from 23 to 31 March.
Program and concerts:
_This Saturday, March 23 represents the removal of Mayor Vazquez Varela from the city by the Napoleonic troops.
On Wednesday 27 the Reconquistiña is celebrated: party and staging of the reconquest by the children of several schools in the center of the city, ending with a chocolada. Other schoolchildren from Vigo show the reconquest in their own schools that same day.
Awarding of the distinguished Vigueses prizes this year will be eleven schools of Vigo and Medal of the city. Also the most prepared dish of the contest "Retapas" will be chosen.
_The Thursday 28 is festive in Vigo commemorating the March 28, 1809 when the city was reconquered Napoleon's army: The Kv2211 children's orchestra will be in concert at the Collegiate.
_The days 30 and 31 Vigo is full of atmosphere with its medieval market in the old area with more than 240 stalls showing the different trades, typical food, costumes, music and games. From 11:00 h. at 11:00 p.m.
All people who wish can dress period. There will also be performances, magic, storytelling, etc. Without forgetting the Treixadura Concert at 9pm. at the Puerta del Sol on Saturday the 30th.
_Domingo 31 will be a representation of the Reconquista at 6 pm broadcast on the giant screen of Puerta del Sol.
Thanks to the value shown by its citizens Vigo is known since 1/03/1810 with the title of city "Faithful, Loyal and Courageous". Title granted by the Regency Council of Spain and the Indies.