Authorization Cíes Islands

New conditions have come into force to visit the Cies Islands (Vigo), requiring a free authorization similar to that necessary to enter the Las Catedrales beach (north of Lugo), and it is necessary to complete the reservation with the name, identification, date of birth, sex, nationality and day of visit. Being able to reserve up to 25 seats maximum per request.

It is only necessary to buy the ticket then with the shipping company that we choose to make the trip to the island, in situ when arriving at the facilities of the port or online.

This measure has begun this year after the breach last year by the shipping companies of the number of daily visitors which led to a fine and problems to moor them on some of the days of greatest influx.

The Cies Islands are constituted by the Island Monteagudo or North Island, the Island of Faro or Island of the Middle and the Island San Martiño or South Island and having presented / displayed its candidacy to National Patrimony and they constitute one of the most beautiful places that to visit this Holy Week !