Many of us have children in private or public schools, but while public schools have a continuous shift and most private schools, by their own decision, private schools have been in limbo. With a continuous day in which it is impossible to follow the minimum safety distance standards that are required of other sectors of the country, and not only in classes, full of about 25 children, but in the entrances and exits of schools.

In them are grouped parents or in the worst case grandparents who wait for the children. At different gates, as before, only now more distant in timetables and not just once a day, but twice a day of entry and twice a day of departure.

Most of the parents wish and asked the guardian to join forces and request the continuous day, tired of seeing that the "that everything remains the same" prevails.

However, in most of the subsidized schools, the directive responds and relies on the fact that the educational community to which they belong has always offered this schedule, as if it were the only condition for which parents select that school to educate their students. Children. Obviating that normally one looks more for the educational quality of the school and the proximity to the homes when choosing a school. And now it is those parents who have chosen them who are asking for a change and who ask the competent government for education in each community for a continuous journey and not a rooting to customs that are not adequate now.

It is time for them to be listened to and the schedules changed as there are many risk factors apart from the crowding of people at the time of school outings:

One of them is that although children wash their hands more than before and disinfect them with hydrogel but nobody sees that there are disinfectant rugs or similar for shoes, unlike what happens in many other places.

In addition, the use of digital books has been left behind and there are many schools that do not carry it out, claiming that it would be discriminatory for children who have books from the book fund and thus discriminating against those who have been able to buy them, who could also pass material to those who do not and share it. With what they bring home to study each day, should their pages be disinfected at home every day as well as other surfaces?

It is time for responsibility and prudence to prevail as the government already allows changing the split schedule to a continuous schedule due to the pandemic if the dining and transportation services are respected.

It is clear that there are still many fringes to take care of in this fight against the covid and many of those who can move the threads still look the other way, it is time for the stitches to be tacked well and Spain stops going to the queue of the fight against covid and become an exemplary country, like other countries of this European community to which we belong.